My Appointments is your dedicated area in LawTap to manage all your appointments with lawyers.
There are individual actions for each appointment that allow you to view, cancel, reschedule, review appointments and more.
In this article we provide instructions on how to manage your appointments and demonstrate how to use each action.
Accessing My Appointments
Your My Appointments area opens when you sign in to LawTap. You can access it at any time by selecting My Appointments in the top bar.
My Appointments displays a summary of your appointments with lawyers on LawTap in a table. The ID, status, date and time, appointment type and lawyer's name are included for each appointment, as well as actions that allow you to perform available tasks.
The actions available for each appointment vary, depending on the appointment type and date (and time) of the appointment. Future appointments all have a Cancel action, and many, but not all, past appointments have a Review action. The features for each appointment type are set by individual lawyers and firms.
Each appointment confirmation email, as well as all email and SMS notifications, contain links to execute the same actions that are available in My Appointments.
Sorting appointments
You can sort your appointments by date using the controls in the Date column header.
To sort appointments by date:
1. Select the up or down arrow is the Date column header.
2. The table reloads to display appointments in date order (latest first) or reverse date order (latest last).
After reload, the arrow switches to the opposite of what is was previously.
Viewing appointment details
To view appointment details:
1. Select View in the Actions column.
2. Full details of the appointment display:
Summary: A summary of the status, type and date and time, as well as direct links to the appointment location, lawyer's profile and lawyer's email address.
How the direct links work depends on the setup on your device. The location link typically opens Google Maps in a browser or mobile application. The email link opens an email (addressed to the lawyer) in the email application configured on your device. Direct emailing only works on a PC with applications like Outlook, not browser-based email accounts, like Gmail and Yahoo.
Appointment Form: The information you entered on the appointment form.
Client review: Your review of the appointment, if any.
This section only displays for past appointments for which you have let a review. See the Reviewing appointments section below for more.
Actions: Actions available for the appointment.
Rescheduling appointments
Many lawyers allow you to reschedule a booked appointment before the time.
To reschedule an appointment:
1. Select Reschedule in the Actions column.
2. Select a new appointment date and time in the lawyer's calendar.
Any appointment reminders (email and SMS) set for the appointment type are sent automatically for the rescheduled date and time.
Cancelling appointments
You can cancel any booked appointment before the scheduled time.
To cancel an appointment:
1. Select Cancel in the Actions column.
2. Select a reason and then select Cancel Appointment.
Selecting Other activates a text box that allows you to enter a more specific reason.
3. The appointment is marked as cancelled.
Labelling appointments as No Contact
If the lawyer fails to attend an appointment, you can mark it as No Contact.
To mark an appointment No Contact:
1. Select No Contact? in the Actions column.
2. The appointment is marked No Contact.
If you fail to attend a scheduled appointment, the lawyer can mark the appointment No Show. LawTap monitors No Show and No Contact appointments and takes appropriate action when necessary.
Reviewing appointments
You can rate your lawyer and provide feedback about your appointment, if the lawyer has enabled this option.
You will also receive an email with a link to review your appointment, if reviews are enabled.
Ratings are moderated and only display publicly on LawTap after review. Please be polite and keep it professional. Lawyers can reply to client reviews.
Ratings display in the lawyer's profile and lawyer's who receive 5-star ratings may be featured on the home page.
To review an appointment:
1. Select Review.
2. Complete the options:
Trustworthy: Select the star that represents your rating for trustworthiness.
Client Service: Select the star that represents your rating for client service.
You only need to select the highest star, for example, the last star for a 5-star rating and the middle star of a 3-star rating.Review: Enter a review.
3. Save.
Downloading appointments
You can download all your appointments is a CSV (comma-separated values) file. This is useful when you want to transfer data to another system or work with it in a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel, for example.
To download your appointments:
1. Select Download (below the table).
2. The file downloads to your system in CSV format.
The file is named <Your Name> - LawTap Appointments.csv.