You can change all your LawTap account information at any time. The information stored in your account includes your first and last name, timezone, email address and password (access credentials), mobile number and location.
In this article we provide instructions on how to access your LawTap account and demonstrate how to change each detail.
Updating your account details
To update your account details:
1. Select Account in the top bar.
2. Change or add information in the About You and Your Location tabs.
The fields are covered individually in the sections that follow.
3. Select Save.
Changing your first and last name
To change your first or last name:
1. In the About You tab, enter your new details in the First Name and Last Name fields.
2. Select Save.
Changing your timezone
Your timezone is important because it is used to display accurate appointment times and to send appointment reminders.
To change your timezone:
1. In the About You tab, select a new timezone in the pick list in the Timezone field.
2. Select Save.
Changing your email address
To change your email address:
1. In the About You tab, select Change in the Email field.
2. Enter your new email address and select Submit.
Your old email is filled in automatically.
3. Select Update Email in the email sent to your new email address to confirm it.
Changing your mobile number
To change your mobile number:
1. In the About You tab, select Change in the Mobile field.
2. Enter your new mobile number and select Submit.
Your old mobile is filled in automatically.
3. Enter the confirmation code sent by SMS to your new mobile number and select Confirm.
Changing your password
To change your password:
1. In the About You tab, select Change in the Password field.
2. Enter your current password, and then enter and repeat your new password.
3. Select Save.
See the Resetting your password section in Accessing your LawTap account as a client for how to reset your password when signed out of LawTap.
Adding or changing your location
Adding a location is important if you need documents delivered to you or have arranged a meeting at your address, for example. Your information is synced with Google Maps that provides directions and many other features.
To add or change your location:
1. In the Your Location tab, add or change the information in the address fields.
2. Select Save.